Saturday, July 28, 2007

I don't remember the plot, just the details: joining the navy...losing a tooth, the second right one from the apartment with a tide pool floor that I could never walk on in the dark or the crabs would pinch me...using the accio charm...a school bus.

Reconstruct and interpret.


jenny said...

You LOVE shark week.

libby said...

i heard that when your teeth fall out in dreams its when you are holding in your emotions or something

Alison said...

"Teeth" from "Dream Catcher" (a small book Tara's mom got her that interprets dreams):

One of the most common anxiety dream themes, loss of teeth, refers to "losing face" and other concerns with self-image. In a less common interpretation, the dream suggests speaking out of turn or a need to keep your mouth shut.

Alison said...

put that in your dream pipe and smoke it.

manda said...

i had a dream about riding a bike and trying to ghost ride the bike next to me, holding it up and/or towing it alongside. reconstruct!

jenny said...

Did you tivo shark week for me? I've heard good things.

hanner said...

Accio blogger!

becca said...


Tiffany said...

i started laughing in church because all i could think about was "is it vintage?" please do the voice in your head.

Unknown said...

i hate your blog in this moment because i got excited that shark week was back....that week was the biggest highlight of my summer...seriously