Sunday, April 6, 2008

this weekend

I realized that I actually like black licorice.

I realized that feta makes everything betta.

I dreamt that I had exposed a big energy company's recent Go Green campaign as just a shallow marketing plow, and that they had no intention to change their business. I was down on the beach protesting when I became aware that I was surrounded by assassins. Big Energy was plotting to kill me. I eluded the assassins and, disguised in a suit, snuck into Big Energy company headquarters, past a couple secretaries, pushed over a security guard, and busted into the president's office (who I think was the guy who played the father on Big Fish). President Wrinkles waved off the security chasing me, agreeing to talk to me face to face. Our conversation went nowhere, my righteous indignation did nothing to sway his arrogant position. A mammoth body guard in a suit walked in, pulled a knife out of his jacket, the president nodded his head, and the guard slammed the knife into the desk top.
I spotted a pair of rusty scissors on the desk and slid them towards me. It was apparent that if my argument could not bring about a change of heart for Big Energy President, one of us was going to have to kill the other.

Bum bum bummmmm....

1 comment:

megan said...

I'm happy you've converted to black licorice and feta. You're a real boy now.